21, 28 July & 4 Aug 2024

Rishton Methodist Church

Great Harwood Circuit


Rev Dr Mark Jason

Tel. 07305 805930

Email: mark.jason@methodist.org.uk


Notices Sunday 21st and 28th July and 4th August 2024

Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Sundays in Ordinary Time


Sunday 21st July Preacher 10:30

 Margaret Dugdale

Steward:  Derek Rostron

Welcome steward: Mary O’Brien

 Organist:  Alan Amos

The flowers this week are donated by the church and arranged by Sharon Tunstall


Sunday 28th July Preacher 10:30

Rev Dr Mark Jason

Steward:  Margaret Brankin

Welcome steward: Sharon Tunstall

 Organist:  Stephen Knowles

The flowers this week are donated by the church and arranged by Jill Davenport


Sunday 28th July Preacher 17:00

Rev Dr Mark Jason

Circuit Fellowship Service Rishton

Steward:  Lesley Goulding

Welcome steward: Lily Goulding

 Organist:  Jill Davenport


Sunday 4th August Preacher 10:30

Stephen Colling

Steward:  Allison Neale

Welcome steward: Lesley Goulding

 Organist:  Alan Amos

The flowers this week are donated by the church and arranged by Sharon Tunstall


Church Breakfast

There will be no Church Breakfast in August.  The next Church Breakfast will be on Sat. 7th September


Dates for your diary this coming week

Mon July 22nd.   13:15-15:15 Taiji Qigong

                                 19:30 Property Meeting

Fri July 25th.                    19:30-22:00. Acc. Camera Club


During the period of these notices, only the above two groups will be using our premises at their usual times indicated above.


Circuit Service at Rishton 28th July at 17:00

Please note that there will be a Circuit Service at Rishton on the afternoon of Sunday 28th July at 17:00  (5:00pm).  There will be a shared meal after the service.  There will not be a Circuit Service in August, though the Circuit Service in September will also include a shared meal.  More details to follow.


Food Bank 

Are you planning a special event meal or holiday this year?  Or have you already done so?  Please remember the very many people in our local area who consider it a blessing just to be able to have enough to eat and provide for the family.  We always have a collection box in the church foyer, where tins of basic food, long life milk, packets of cereal, etc can be left for collection.  Alternatively, if you find it easier to make a cash donation, this can be put in an envelope clearly marked as "Food Bank" and put in the collection plate during the service.  This will be passed on with the box contents.  Thank you, Madeleine.


Men’s Fellowship

The first meeting of the Men’s fellowship following the summer break will be on Thursday 12th September 2024 at 19:30.


Inauguration Service of the North West England District     

The inauguration of the NWE district takes place on 31st August 2024 at 2.30pm, Victoria Hall, Bolton. 

The circuit has secured grant funding to hire a 37- seater coach to transport those who would like to attend this historical event, as well as tickets to this event. Places on the coach along with tickets to the event will be available on a 'first-come, first-served' basis, so please give your names to Rev. Mark at the earliest, if you want to book a space. 


Property & Finance Meeting 

Monday 22nd July 7.30pm in the Meeting Room 



We really need someone else to join the Team, so if you are interested in flower arranging, or just willing to help by joining us please contact me ASAP.

Jean Hindle.


Lancs District Zoom Service Sunday Evenings


Meeting ID: 830 4576 3962
Passcode: DZS21


The New North West Methodist District

Monthly online events:  14th August.  Come along to this information evenings and be equipped as we move towards the launch of the North West England District.  For contact details see last week’s notices.


Preacher Sunday 11th August

Preacher Sunday 11th August at 10:30 Rev Paul Davis.  This service will include Holy Communion. 

Steward:  Madeleine Riley


Please note Summer arrangements for notices

Sunday 21st July:  Notices published and printed but will include 28th July and 4th August.

Sunday 11th August. Notices published and printed but will include 18th and 25th August.

Sunday 1st September.  Notices published and printed but will include 8th September.

Sunday 15th September.  Notices published as usual.

Dates may change according to circumstances.  Any amendments to the above will be circulated through the church distribution list.

Thanks!  Steve C.


Closing date for notices

It would be helpful if all notices for Sunday 11th August, 18th August and 28th August could be in by the evening of Wednesday 7th August.. Please send them to: steveruth.colling@gmail.com 07958 036736 or tunstallsharon2@gmail.com mobile 07930930514.


And Finally  from ' Variety News  8/94.

An entertainer walked into a Theatrical Agent's office and told the Agent that he was a novelty Bird Impersonator.  The agent informed him that this form of entertainment was no longer called for and told him to leave the office immediately!

So, the guy, with a disappointed look on his face, opened the window and flew away!


Methodist Thought for the Day

Poem/reflection: Still learning?

During his lifetime
and throughout his ministry, Jesus met and spoke to
and helped and healed
people of different nationalities, beliefs and practices.
He greeted Samaritans, Greeks, Romans, rebels,
Jews and all Gentiles
and dealt with them
without prejudice
and according to their needs. Yet after his death,

his resurrection
and the coming of the Spirit,
Paul still needed to point out
to Ephesian Christians
that the barriers had been broken down and Gentiles and Jews
were now one in Christ
and could live in peace
with one another and with God.

Could it be that, today, many people
are made to feel unwelcome as they seek to find God, not by the attitude of Jesus, but by that of his followers who still need to remember that lesson?

©Marjorie Dobson (Copyright through “The Worship Cloud)