11, 18 & 25 Aug 2024

Rishton Methodist Church

Great Harwood Circuit


Rev Dr Mark Jason

Tel. 07305 805930

Email: mark.jason@methodist.org.uk


Notices Sunday 11th, 18th and 25th August 2024

Nineteenth, Twentieth and Twenty-first Sundays in Ordinary Time


Sunday 11th August Preacher 10:30

 Rev Paul Davis

This service will include Holy Communion

Steward:  Madeleine Riley

Communion Steward:  Jean Hindle

Communion Assistant: Ian Kitchin

Welcome steward: Margaret Holmes

 Organist:  Jill Davenport

The flowers this week are donated by Eric and Rebecca Hodgson

and arranged by Ruth Colling


Sunday 18th August Preacher 10:30

Ian Kitchin

Steward:  Derek Rostron

Welcome steward:  Ann Peill

 Organist: Alan Amos

The flowers this week are donated by the church and arranged by Gillian Pirrie


Sunday 25th August Preacher 10:30

Rev Dr Mark Jason

Steward: Margaret Brankin

Welcome steward: Mary O’Brien

 Organist: Stephen Knowles

The flowers this week are donated by the church and arranged by Jill Davenport


Sunday 25th August Preacher 17:00

Rev Dr Mark Jason

Steward: Lesley Goulding

Welcome Steward: Lily Goulding

Pianist: Gill Davenport


Minister's leave arrangements

I am on leave from 9th -23rd August. If you urgently require a minister in my absence, please contact any of the stewards who will be able to put you in touch with a minister.

Rev. Mark


Inauguration Service of the North West England District     

The inauguration of the NWE district takes place on 31st August 2024 at 2.30pm, Victoria Hall, Bolton. 

The circuit has secured grant funding to hire a 37- seater coach to transport those who would like to attend this historical event, as well as tickets for this event. 

There are still space available on the circuit coach to Bolton for this service on 31st August at Victoria Hall in Bolton at 2.30pm. If you would like to join, please let me know no later than 25th August.

Rev. Mark


Dates for your diary this coming week

Mon August 12th  09:00.     Church Floor renewal starts.  Completed within the week.

Wed August 21st.    14:00  Film Afternoon

Tue August 27th.     09:00      Church Carpet fitting


During the period of these notices, only the well-being class will be using our premises on 19th and 26th August.


Gift Aid

Gift Aid – money for old rope…well actually a bit of admin.  Are you or your spouse a tax payer?  Do you Gift Aid your giving to the church?  If YES and NO respectively, please talk, in confidence, to David H (Gift Aid Guru) or Sharon (treasurer) about the scheme.  Simply, the scheme allows the church to claim back the tax you paid.  Do you make your collection in a church envelope? Doing so is good discipline to help you make regular donations to your church.  Setting up a direct debit frees you from the weekly task of finding cash.   If you direct debit when did you last review/increase your donations? Pick an event, your birthday, church gift day, the tax year; anything to avoid inflation reducing the value of your gifts.   IWK former treasurer


Food Bank 

Please remember the very many people in our local area who consider it a blessing just to be able to have enough to eat and provide for the family.  We always have a collection box in the church foyer, where tins of basic food, long life milk, packets of cereal, etc can be left for collection.  Alternatively, if you find it easier to make a cash donation, this can be put in an envelope clearly marked as "Food Bank" and put in the collection plate during the service.  This will be passed on with the box contents.  Thank you, Madeleine.


Afternoon Tea & Film

Rishton Methodist Church.

Wed 21st August 2024  at 2pm

Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang

A fast-paced comedy that is likely to appeal to audiences of all ages. The young cast members provide particularly convincing performances.

A 2010 period fantasy comedy film directed by Susanna White, produced by Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner and Lindsay Doran with music by James Newton Howard and co-produced by StudioCanal.

It is a sequel to the 2005 film Nanny McPhee. It was written by Emma Thompson, based on Christianna Brand's Nurse Matilda books. Thompson reprises her role as Nanny McPhee, the film also stars Maggie Gyllenhaal, Ralph Fiennes, Rhys Ifans, Ewan McGregor, Asa Butterfield and Maggie Smith.

Share tea and a chat with friends

Children welcome with accompanying adult.

The films will start at 2pm and afternoon tea served about 3.45pm.  Come for both or just for tea!

No charge just donations towards

the cost of afternoon tea.


Thought from Ian

This week The Moral Maze BBC R4, centred on the Drag Queens’ parody, at the opening of the Paris Olympics, of da Vinci’s Last Supper. The Moral Maze programme never comes to a conclusion. It descended into a discussion about the sacred, the irreligious and the profane.  Rev Dr Giles Fraser, for whom I have a lot of time, saw everything capable of being made sacred. He has celebrated communion in a pub.  It caused me to think about our multi-purpose worship area. I have no problem with it being used for jumble sales, concerts, birthday parties etc. I did suggest that it is not appropriate to drape jumble over the communion rail or stack stuff in the communion area; stack-things are better kept separate. After the Sydney Street Church was demolished, the society worshipped in a small room which also served as a meeting room. It had a curtain drawn round the communion area during mid-week meetings. I was always uncomfortable about shutting God away. For me it was reminiscent of the Holy of Holies in the Jerusalem temple. A place behind a curtain only accessible to the High Priests. As Jesus died on the cross the curtain was torn in two making access for all. This accessibility for all is a pillar of Christian belief.

In our Rishton church we don't hide Jesus away so how do we differentiate between the everyday and worship? How do we make worship special?

At this point I declare my hand; over 10 years ago Rev Pat Brown called me old fashioned. If adhering to standards with which I was brought up makes me old fashioned I am proud to be so!

I was taught; before the service talk to God, during the service listen to God, after the service talk to friends. I find the noise level spilling over from the foyer into the worship area a distraction from talking to God.



Lancs District Zoom Service Sunday Evenings


Meeting ID: 830 4576 3962
Passcode: DZS21


Please note Summer arrangements for notices

Sunday 1st September.  Notices published and printed but will include 8th September.

Sunday 15th September.  Notices published as usual.

Dates may change according to circumstances.  Any amendments to the above will be circulated through the church distribution list.

Thanks!  Steve C.


Closing date for notices

It would be helpful if all notices for Sunday 1st September and Sunday 8th September, could be in by the evening of Wednesday 28th August.. Please send them to: steveruth.colling@gmail.com 07958 036736 or tunstallsharon2@gmail.com mobile 07930930514.


And finally…

Sign on the Craft Room Door at Oswaldtwistle  Evening School..




From Heaven ...?   John 6: 41-51  -Crowd discussion

Typical dispute. Focussed on the specific. Missing the main point altogether. The debate was not about the symbolism of living bread – spiritual food for ever –
but on the claim that Jesus came down from heaven.

‘Down from heaven? No!  He came from down the street. His family still live here.  Who does he think he is?’   So they distracted themselves from the truth. Extracted themselves from a dilemma. And reacted with contempt against the offer that God was laying before them. So they went away hungry, with no crumbs to comfort them and left the bread of life for the satisfaction of the people who knew their need and would faithfully follow, as God led them.    

Marjorie Dobson (copyright via Worship Cloud)