15 September 2024

Rishton Methodist Church

Great Harwood Circuit


Rev Dr Mark Jason

Tel. 07305 805930

Email: mark.jason@methodist.org.uk


Sunday 15th September 2024

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Preacher 10:30:  Rev Dr Mark Jason

Education Sunday

We welcome children and staff from our school as they share in our service

Steward:  Madeleine Riley

Welcome steward: Allison Neale

 Organist:  Alan Amos

The flowers this week are donated by Geoff and Irene Smale and arranged by Jill Davenport


Retiring Collection Rishton Methodist School Welfare Fund

Following the morning service this Sunday 15th and next Sunday 22nd September, there will be retiring collection for gifts to our school’s welfare fund.


Dates for your diary w/c Sunday 15th September

Mon Sep 16th           09:00-11:00 Parents & Carers

                                13:15-15:15 Taiji Qigong

                           18:15-19:45. Rainbows, Brownies

Tue Sep 17th              10:00- 14:30. Child Minders??

Wed Sep 18th.            10:00- 14:30. Child Minders??

                                 14:00-17:00 Afternoon tea/film

Fri Sep 20th                     19:30-22:00. Acc. Camera Club


Dates for your diary w/c Sunday 22nd September

Mon Sep 23rd    09:00-11:00 Parents & Carers

                                13:15-15:15 Taiji Qigong

                           18:15-19:45. Rainbows, Brownies

Tue Sep 24th              09:00 Sch. Worship in Ch. (Steve)                                                         

                                10:00- 14:30. Child Minders??

Wed Sep 25th.               10:00- 14:30. Child Minders??

Fri Sep 27th                 10:00-12:00 Macmillan CM                                                                         

                                19:30-22:00. Acc. Camera Club


School Collective Worship

There will be no school worship in church on Tuesday 17th September.


Thursday Ladies - Dates for your diaries.

After consulting with as many of you as possible, we have now made a provisional Christmas meal booking for Thursday 5th December at the Park Hotel in Great Harwood, at 2.00pm.

Also, it is only 8 weeks to our Winter (Christmas) Fair on 2nd November.  Hopefully those of you with crafting skills have already started to create more of your wonderful goods for the stall.  If not, please consider doing so now.  In addition, we all need to begin collecting mystery parcel contents, plus chocolate for the Tombola.  Thank you everybody for your loyal support.

Our first meeting for the new season will be Thursday 26th September.   Madeleine


Macmillan Cancer Support Coffee Morning 

On Friday 27th September 10am - 12 Noon

At Rishton Methodist Church 

We will be hosting a Coffee Morning for Macmillan Cancer Support.  I have registered the event for Rishton Methodist Church Let's do whatever it takes to support people living with cancer. There will be a Cake Stall, Raffle and Refreshments Tea Coffee Biscuits and Cake.

If you can help in any way, please see Margaret or Sharon. 

Ways you can help, donate cakes or raffle prizes, help on the day, donate money or simply attend and chat with friends and support the Charity. We are using the Eco-Friendly Pack so there won't be any balloons or bunting. 

Many Thanks Margaret & Sharon


Lancs District Zoom Service Sunday Evenings


Meeting ID: 830 4576 3962
Passcode: DZS21


Preacher 22nd September

The preacher on Sunday 22nd September at 10:30 will be Barbara Taylor.  Steward:  Kath Bridges


Next week’s notices

The notices next week will be a triple edition. Sunday 22nd and 29th September, and 6th October.    We should then have a return to weekly notices up to Christmas!! 


Closing date for notices

It would be helpful if all notices for Sunday 22nd, 29th September, and 6th October could be in by the evening of Wednesday 18th September. Please send them to: steveruth.colling@gmail.com 07958 036736 or tunstallsharon2@gmail.com mobile 07930930514.



Afternoon Tea & Film

Rishton Methodist Church.

Wed 18th September 2024 at 2pm

P.S. I Love You

‘P.S. I Love You’ is a 2007 American romantic comedy film directed by Richard LaGravenese from a screenplay by LaGravenese and Steven Rogers.

 It is based on the debut novel of the same name by Irish writer Cecelia Ahern, published in 2004. It was claimed that book was the number one best-seller status in Ireland, Britain, the United States, Germany, and the Netherlands, and was on the number one spot in Ireland for nineteen weeks.

Share tea and a chat with friends

Children welcome with accompanying adult.

The films will start at 2pm and afternoon tea served about 4pm.

Come for both or just for tea!

No charge just donations towards

the cost of afternoon tea.



You may not be aware of the fact but I've joined the Origami class at Oswaldtwistle Institute.

This morning I had a letter from them and I don't know what to make of it!  Alan.



Silver Award Eco Church

Delighted to be able to report that our church has been awarded a Silver Award certificate (below).  See the eco-Church noticeboard to find out what it’s all about.


Hymn for Education Sunday


At the learning curve's beginning,

hardly knowing where we head,

finding how to learn, while living,

grasping all that's seen or said.



Looking through the sky that's soaring,

waiting at the ocean's shore,

filled with wonder at the seeing,

sensing God will offer more;



Filled with praise for revelation,

and for all we've yet to find.

Praise to God the source of wisdom,

and for each enquiring mind.


© Andrew Pratt andrewpratt@btconnect.com

8 7 8 7


The copyright for this hymn by Rev Andrew Pratt is obtained through “The Worship Cloud” Methodist resources.