1 & 8 September 2024

Rishton Methodist Church

Great Harwood Circuit


Rev Dr Mark Jason

Tel. 07305 805930

Email: mark.jason@methodist.org.uk


Notices Sunday 1st and 8th September 2024

Twenty-second and twenty third Sundays in Ordinary Time


Sunday 1st September

Preacher 10:30:  Rev Dr Mark Jason

This service will include Holy Communion

Steward:  Allison Neale

Communion Steward:  Ruth Colling

Communion Assistant: Stephen Colling

Welcome steward: Ann Peill

 Organist:  Alan Amos

The flowers this week are donated by Madeleine Riley and arranged by Sharon Tunstall


Sunday 8th September

Preacher 10:30:  Pamela Russo

Steward:  Margaret Brankin

Welcome steward:  Sharon Tunstall

 Organist: Jill Davenport

The flowers this week are donated by John Haworth and arranged by Ruth Colling


Dates for your diary w/c Sunday 1st September

Mon Sep 2nd.                  13:15-15:15 Taiji Qigong

Wed Sep 4th.            15:00 LP Meeting Rishton

                          School re-opens

Fri Sep 6th.                      19:30-22:00. Acc. Camera Club

Sat Sep 7th.                      09:00 Church Breakfast


Dates for your diary w/c Sunday 8th September

Mon Sep 9th            09:00-11:00 Parents & Carers

                               13:15-15:15 Taiji Qigong

                       18:15-19:45. Rainbows, Brownies

Tue Sep 10th              09:00-09:30 Sch worship in church

                                10:00- 14:30. Child Minders?

Wed Sep 11th.          10:00- 14:30. Child Minders?

                                14:00. Pastoral Meeting

Thu Sep 12th.         19:30. Men’s Fellowship

Fri Sep 13th                  19:30-22:00. Acc. Camera Club


Bring and Buy Sale

The next 'Bring and Buy" Sale will be held on Sunday 1st September after Church 


Time to Retire!

As from September 1st 2024, I will no longer be the one carrying out the role of Flower Coordinator.  From this date onwards Jill Davenport and Margaret Brankin will be taking over the many duties involved in this area of service to our Church.  If you are able to donate to the Flower Fund then do contact either of them.  Also, I am grateful to Ann Peill who has already taken over from me as one of the Communion Stewards.  I give my sincere thanks to Jill, Margaret, Ann and Ruth for their willingness to help me now and in the past. My thanks also go out to all who, in so many ways, have helped me to fulfil my duties over the years.



Thank you, Jean for all your dedication and commitment to the church and our community over many years.  It is greatly appreciated.


Thursday Ladies - Dates for your diaries.

After consulting with as many of you as possible, we have now made a provisional Christmas meal booking for Thursday 5th December at the Park Hotel in Great Harwood, at 2.00pm.

Also, it is only 9 weeks to our Winter (Christmas) Fair on 2nd November.  Hopefully those of you with crafting skills have already started to create more of your wonderful goods for the stall.  If not, please consider doing so now.  In addition, we all need to begin collecting mystery parcel contents, plus chocolate for the Tombola.  Thank you everybody for your loyal support.

Our first meeting for the new season will be Thursday 26th September.   Madeleine


Men’s Fellowship

 The first meeting of" The Men’s Fellowship " will be held on Thursday 12th September at the church at 7.30PM.  The guest speaker will be Mr Ian Kitchin 


Lancs District Zoom Service Sunday Evenings


Meeting ID: 830 4576 3962
Passcode: DZS21


Sunday 15th September.  Notices published as usual.

Dates may change according to circumstances.  Any amendments to the above will be circulated through the church distribution list.

Thanks!  Steve C.

Preacher 15th September

The preacher on Sunday 15th September at 10:30 will be Rev Dr Mark Jason.  Steward:  Madeleine Riley


 Closing date for notices

It would be helpful if all notices for Sunday 15th September, could be in by the evening of Wednesday 11th September. Please send them to: steveruth.colling@gmail.com 07958 036736 or tunstallsharon2@gmail.com mobile 07930930514.



Sad news from the "Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch Echo " !

Gwylim "Hotfingers" Jones, the notorious Welsh arsonist died yesterday. His mother, in a moving tribute to her popular son said....

"Wherever he went, he lit up the room."


Thought for the Day


Poem: In praise of the King

When you find
something worth writing about, how the words flow freely. Never having met a handsome king, it is difficult to join in pouring out praise on a richly bejewelled man, dressed in fragrant robes and living in an ivory palace.

Yet the King I know best had a purple robe stained with blood and a crown made of thorns and a rough cross for a throne.

So I can write my reams of words with a swiftness and fullness of heart in tribute to a carpenter
who became the King of Kings.

©Marjorie Dobson

(Copyright secured through “The Worship Cloud”)