22 & 29 Sept & 6 October 2024

Rishton Methodist Church

Great Harwood Circuit


Rev Dr Mark Jason

Tel. 07305 805930

Email: mark.jason@methodist.org.uk


Church Notices Sunday 22nd/29th  September and 6th October 2024

Twenty-fifth, sixth and seventh Sundays in Ordinary Time


Sunday 22nd September

Preacher 10:30:  Barbara Taylor

Steward: Kath Bridges

Welcome steward: Margaret Holmes and Lucy Bridges

 Organist:  Stephen Knowles

The flowers this week are donated by the church and arranged by Gillian Pirrie

Retiring Collection Rishton Methodist School

Welfare Fund

Following the morning service this Sunday 22nd September, there will be retiring collection for gifts to our school’s welfare fund.


Dates for your diary w/c Sunday 22nd September

Mon Sep 23rd    09:00-11:00 Parents & Carers

                                13:15-15:15 Taiji Qigong

                           18:15-19:45. Rainbows, Brownies

Tue Sep 24th              09:00 Sch. Worship in Ch. (Steve)                                                         

                                10:00- 14:30. Child Minders??

Wed Sep 25th.                10:00- 14:30. Child Minders??

                                15:30-17:30. Forest Church

Thu Sep 26th.                 14:00 Thursday Ladies

Fri Sep 27th                 10:00-12:00 Macmillan CM                                                                         

                                19:30-22:00. Acc. Camera Club

Sat Sep 28th.            09:00-10:00 Church Breakfast


Sunday 29th September

Preacher 10:30 Rev Dr Mark Jason

Harvest Festival

Steward: Derek Rostron

Welcome steward: Mary O’Brien

 Organist:  Alan Amos

The flowers this week are donated by the church


Sunday 29th September

Preacher 17:00 Rev Dr Mark Jason

Circuit Service Harvest Supper

Steward:  Lesley Goulding

Organist:  Jill Davenport


Dates for your diary w/c Sunday 29th September

Sun Sep 29th.   10:30 Harvest Festival Service

                                17:00. Circuit Service & Harvest   


Mon Sep 30th    09:00-11:00 Parents & Carers

                                13:15-15:15 Taiji Qigong

                           18:15-19:45. Rainbows, Brownies

Tue Oct 1st                 09:00 Sch. Worship in Ch.  (Mark   

                                  and Nick)

                                10:00- 14:30. Child Minders??

We Oct 2nd.                    10:00- 14:30. Child Minders??

Thu. Oct 3rd    7.00 – 22.00. Cyclists’ Club Meet

Fri Oct 4th.                     19:30-22:00. Acc. Camera Club


Sunday 6th October

Preacher 10:30. Rev Dr Mark Jason

This service will include Holy Communion and the Dedication of Pastoral Visitors

Steward: Allison Neale

Welcome steward: Sharon Tunstall

 Organist:  Alan Amos

Communion Assistants:  Ann Peill and Ian Kitchin

The flowers this week are donated by the church and arranged by Sharon Tunstall


Dates for your diary w/c Sunday 6th October

Mon Oct 7th       09:00-11:00 Parents & Carers

                                13:15-15:15 Taiji Qigong

                           18:15-19:45. Rainbows, Brownies

Tue Oct. 8th                09:00 Sch. Worship in Ch

                                10:00- 14:30. Child Minders??

Wed Oct 9th.                  10:00- 14:30. Child Minders??

Thu. Oct 10th         7.00 – 22.00. Cyclists’ Club Meet

Fri Oct 11th                19:30-22:00. Acc. Camera Club


Future Dates

Sat Nov 2nd.            Winter / Christmas Fayre

Sat Nov 23rd.           Evening Family Social

Sun Dec 8th         Toy Service All Age Worship                                                                   


Forest Church Wednesday 25th September, 3.30pm-5.30pm 

Families are invited to our next Forest Church session of games, craft and refreshments. If you would like to book on please email Bev at bevmoorhousephone@gmail.com


Harvest Festival Sunday 29th September

Please could the Young People donate flowering plants, flowers and tinned food for the local food bank.


Thursday Ladies

We recommence our meetings on Thursday 26th September, starting at 2.00pm as usual, but this time we are in the foyer.  Donna Pope is returning to us with another session of "Chair Exercises to Music", and for those of you who missed the last session, it is purely for fun.  The movements are gentle, do as much or as little as you wish as it goes along, or just sit and watch, whilst enjoying the music.  Remember to wear flat shoes and comfortable clothing if you intend to take part.  I look forward to seeing you all. Madeleine


Macmillan Cancer Support Coffee Morning 

On Friday 27th September 10am - 12 Noon

At Rishton Methodist Church 

We will be hosting a Coffee Morning for Macmillan Cancer Support.  I have registered the event for Rishton Methodist Church Let's do whatever it takes to support people living with cancer. There will be a Cake Stall, Raffle and Refreshments Tea Coffee Biscuits and Cake. If you can help in any way, please see Margaret or Sharon. 

Ways you can help, donate cakes or raffle prizes, help on the day, donate money or simply attend and chat with friends and support the Charity. We are using the Eco-Friendly Pack so there won't be any balloons or bunting.   Many Thanks Margaret & Sharon


Preparation for Harvest

Following Church Breakfast on Saturday 28th September at 09:00, the church will be decorated for our Harvest Festival.  All volunteers welcome.  Come for breakfast or meet at 10:00 at church.


Church Breakfast

This will be held on Saturday 28th September from 09:00.  Everyone welcome for breakfast and a time of reflection.


Lancs District Zoom Service Sunday Evenings


Meeting ID: 830 4576 3962
Passcode: DZS21


Preachers 29th September and 6th October

The preacher on Sunday 29th September at 10:30 will be Rev Dr Mark Jason.  Steward:  Derek Rostron.  This will be our HARVEST FESTIVAL

Then later at 17:00 led by Rev Dr Mark Jason.  Steward:  Lesley Goulding.  This will be a Circuit Fellowship service and also a

               “Jacob’s Join” HARVEST SUPPER

The preacher on Sunday 6th October at 10:30 will be Rev Dr Mark Jason.  Steward:  Allison Neale.  This service will include Holy Communion and the dedication of our pastoral visitors.

Closing date for notices

It would be helpful if all notices for 13th October could be in by the evening of Wednesday 2nd October. Please send them to: steveruth.colling@gmail.com 07958 036736 or tunstallsharon2@gmail.com mobile 07930930514.


Eco Tip - Collect seed heads to plant next Spring to create flowers for the bees and insects.


AND FINALLY !..From ' Business News '

Domino's have shelved the plans to deliver their Pizzas by Helicopter..a spokesman said .." from the onset it seemed to be a 'pie in the sky ' idea ".


Harvest Reflection

At Harvest we thank and praise God for all his gifts of food and weather, especially his plants which mature in autumn and nourish us all year. Harvest is also an opportunity to give thanks and to praise God for all creatures which move in the waters, fly in the sky and live on the land. 

Harvest reminds us that all earth creatures are a community created to praise and glorify God. Nature matures in autumn even without human help. Wild creatures enjoy the fruits of the season. With human co-operation, however, nature glorifies God through cultivated fields, including grain and grapes which make bread and wine. Human hands and voices represent the whole earth community, in Christ, to God. 

The transformation of the earth at harvest is a sign, the beginning, of the final transformation of all material creation in the resurrection when God does not make a new thing, but makes “all things new”.


Source: Edward P. Echlin, theologian and author.

(Edward was a Catholic member of the “Green Christian Movement and honorary research fellow in theology at the university of Leeds)