20 October 2024

Rishton Methodist Church

Great Harwood Circuit


Rev Dr Mark Jason

Tel. 07305 805930

Email: mark.jason@methodist.org.uk


Sunday 20th October 2024

Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Preacher 10:30:  Mr Stephen Colling

Steward:  Madeleine Riley

Welcome steward: Margaret Holmes / Lesley Goulding

 Organist:  Alan Amos

The flowers this week are donated by Peter Whitman and arranged by Ruth Colling



Dates for your diary w/c Sunday 20th October

Mon Oct 21st          13:15-15:15 Taiji Qigong

Tue Oct 22nd            10:00- 14:30. Child Minders

Wed Oct 23rd.             10:00- 14:30. Child Minders

Thu Oct 24th.                 19:30 Blackburn /District Cyclists

Fri Oct 25th                 16:00-17:00 Sarah Smith MP

                                   surgery (by appointment only!)                                                                    

                               19:30-22:00. Acc. Camera Club


Dates for your diary w/c Sunday 27th October

Mon Oct 28th    09:00-11:00 Parents & Carers

                                13:15-15:15 Taiji Qigong

                         18:15-19:45. Rainbows, Brownies

Tue Oct 29th              09:00 Sch. Worship in Ch. Steve C.                                                          

Wed Oct 30th              10:00- 14.30 Child Minders

Thu. Oct 31st         19:30 Blackburn /District Cyclists                                                                       

Fri.  Nov 1st          19:30-22:00. Acc. Camera Club

Sat Nov 2nd.          11:00. Winter/Christmas Fayre      


Future Dates

Sat Nov 23rd.          Evening Family Social

Sun Dec 8th         Toy Service All Age Worship



Sarah Smith MP

Sarah will be holding a surgery in our church building from 16:00 to 17:00 on Friday 25th October.   This surgery is by appointment only.  Anyone wishing to book an appointment should contact Sarah on the following email address:


It is important to state full name, address, contact phone number and an indication of the area of concern.                                                                  


Lancs District Zoom Service Sunday Evenings

Due to the recent changes in the District boundaries, the Lancashire District Zoom services, held on a Sunday at 19:00, will be suspended.


Methodist Women in Britain event

NWE District Lancashire Half Day Event.

At Lammack Methodist Church, Lammack Road, Blackburn.  BB1 8LA on Saturday 19th October from 10:00-12:30 when the speaker will be:

Mike Hardy from The Leprosy Mission.

Doors open 10:00 for coffee/tea. Please bring a packed lunch if you would like to stay over lunchtime.  Drinks will be provided.


Closing date for notices

It would be helpful if all notices for Sunday 27th October could be in by the evening of Wednesday 23rd October. Please send them to: steveruth.colling@gmail.com 07958 036736 or tunstallsharon2@gmail.com mobile 07930930514.


Preacher 27th October

The preacher on Sunday 27th October at 10:30 will be:- Rev Dr Mark Jason.   Steward: Kathryn Bridges



Never buy  a fleece jacket from Clitheroe market. I did, and when I got home I found that the right arm is a lot longer than the other two...


Duplicate notice explanation!

In order to accommodate a range of recipients of our notices using differing IT software, the notice concerning the Winter/Christmas Fayre may appear twice.  The Christmas themed border around the notice may be causing a problem.



The stalls will include Cafe, Cakes, Crafts, Jewellery, Christmas Decorations, Chocolate tombola, Mystery bags, Books, toys & games, and of course the Raffle.

If you are able to contribute anything towards the above, it can be placed in the box in the foyer on Sundays, and your generosity will be much appreciated.  Please keep this date in your diary - it is very close now - and help us to make it a very enjoyable day. Although the Fair is organised by the Thursday Ladies, nearly all of the profits are given to the church, which benefits us all.

Thank you. Madeleine


Meditation: ... but to serve

In a world where service to others is either taken for granted, or considered to be reserved for those who cannot make a success of their lives, how do we reverse this attitude, as Jesus said we should?  

In a world where wealth brings power and celebrity status is granted to anyone who has the right agent, or is prepared to actively seek for publicity, how can we elevate the quiet souls who spend their time in helping others?  

In a world where connivance and greed can result in evil people working their way into a position where they can control by manipulation, or fear, what can be done to overthrow corrupt systems and replace them with those that will work for freedom and peace?

 In a world where we find ourselves tempted to fame and fortune by any means possible, but preferably the easy way, how do we reconcile our way of living with the knowledge that service demands self-sacrifice and that is a hard route to follow.

Sacrificial God, this is your world.
Help us to live in it with integrity.
Show us how to follow Christ’s example of self-giving.  Teach us your way of loving our neighbours as much as we love ourselves. Only then will we have any possibility of turning the world upside-down, as Jesus did.

©Marjorie Dobson (Copyright obtained through Worship Cloud)